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Category: Industrial Packaging

Void Fill 101: A Guide to Safe Shipping and Transporting Goods

Safeguard your product during transit with void fill. This guide answers common questions like “What is void fill” and goes over different examples of void fill. Discover which void fill is the best option for your shipments in this complete guide...

The State of the Canadian Pulp and Paper Market: A Comprehensive Breakdown

The pulp and paper industry has faced a number of obstacles and extreme uncertainty in the past few years. Read about how the pulp and paper industry came to be in such a state of disorder, how those influences will continue to affect the future, and...

3 Ways to Reduce Stretch Wrap Costs for your Business

Want to know how to save money on stretch wrap? Follow the methods we lay out in this article to reduce material costs, increase worker productivity, and optimize stretch wrap usage for your business.

Stretch Wrap 101: How to Save Money with the Right Stretch Wrap Dispenser

Choose the most cost effective stretch wrap dispenser and cut costs while boosting productivity! Hand-saver dispensers, mini stretch wrap dispensers, stretch wrap dispensers, and stretch wrappers are all designed to improve the stretch wrap application...

Stretch Wrap 101: What Is Industrial Plastic Wrap, Types of Plastic Stretch Wrap, & How to Use

Imagine this: the average semi-truck (72’) can fit 26 standard pallets inside it, without stacking. A single standard pallet can carry up to 4,600 lbs of cargo. That means just under 120,000 lbs of cargo can fit inside a semi-truck. 

Industrial Packaging Tape: Everything You Need to Know

Do you need multiple pieces of industrial packaging tape to effectively seal your commercial boxes and containers for transport? Have you noticed that your tape isn’t actually sticking to the materials being shipped?